Pacific Seafood Processors Association celebrates 100th year
by Mary Harmon
PSPA celebrated its 100 year anniversary at the annual Fall Social in Ballard at the end of October. PSPA is a non-profit trade organization established in 1914 to address issues of concern to member seafood companies and support the conservation and wise use of fishery resources. The original meeting in 1914 was comprised of a gathering of canners, packers and other interested in the fishing industry and urged by Mr. Frank Warren, a member of the Fish & Game Commission(Portland,OR), to form a broad organization to represent all sectors of the Pacific coast fisheries. PSPA now has offices in Seattle, Washington, DC and Juneau, AK and supports 66 corporate and associate member companies.
SeaShare is proud to be an associate member of PSPA and was grateful for the opportunity to present a preview of our new video and website to the gathering at the Fall Social in Ballard. SeaShare was able to contract with Vignette to develop a video explaining our mission and an updated website in large part due to the generous donations from PSPA members earlier in the year. PSPA members clearly recognize the importance of getting high quality protein seafood to food banks throughout the country and continue to demonstrate this with their donations to SeaShare of seafood, services, financial assistance and time. Many thanks!