
Monthly is an Easy Resolution

Fish is not just a holiday dish. The FDA recommends that people eat seafood at least twice a week. This makes having access to seafood even more important for low-income families and individuals who might not be able to afford it.

For this new year of 2015, why not pledge to SeaShare on a monthly basis? This is an effortless, yet effective, resolution where each dollar you provide will give eight seafood servings to people who seek assistance at our nation's food banks. It's an easy way to help SeaShare continue its work.

To sign up, go to the donation page on our website. Fill in your monthly donation amount. Before clicking the DONATE button, check the box below that asks if you want to make it a recurring monthly donation. Finish the transaction by clicking the Donate button.

In 2015, let's get more fish donations to food banks so that we can feed people and feed them well.