NFI Future Leaders dedicate time, resources to hunger relief
by Mary Harmon
The National Fisheries Institute's Future Leaders program is a unique hands-on program for industry professionals who are rising in their companies. No other setting combines this kind of in-depth exposure to such a diversity of issues along with the opportunity to network and learn with a small group of industry peers representing the leaders of today and tomorrow. The program's mission is to promote future leaders in the industry through a year-long program consisting of four 2-day sessions designed to enhance knowledge and leadership skills in production, sales, companies and the seafood industry.
In addition, each year the class works on a service project to support SeaShare. At the Global Seafood Marketing Conference in Las Vegas, the Future Leaders of 2014 announced that they had raised over $27,000 and 134,000 lbs of seafood for hunger relief. Jim Harmon (SeaShare) took the class members to Three Square Food Bank on Monday for a tour of the facilities and some volunteer work sorting food where they prepared approximately 500 produce bags, packed 6,640 lbs of food, bagged 2,750 lbs of apples and 3,000 lbs of oranges. Trident Seafoods also donated a truckload of pollock portions to the food bank.
Three Square Food Bank serves four counties in southern Nevada or about 315,000 food insecure individuals. Three Square currently provides more than 34 million pounds of food and grocery product – the equivalent of more than 28 million meals – per year to nearly 600 Program Partners including non-profit and faith-based organizations, schools and feeding sites throughout Southern Nevada.